
i just want to be loves. i want to feel love. i want to feel wanted at all times. i want, i need, i crave the feeling of being wanted and loved and craved. i want to love, passionately love, need, caress, touch, someone. i don't want to battle for love and intamacy. the feeling of intimacy is so fuckin hard. i want it. i feel sometimes i want to burst because i have a deficit of that feeling. i don't even know how to fuck describe it. It's just fuckin loving someone to the fullest! god damn it why is it so hard. why is it so hard to ask for that.?I want to be cared for, i want someone to always have me on their mind. I want the feeling of both feeling the same passionate way. I have been trying all my life to crave that feeling. attention from my significant other. i don't give a fuck if its from my past. I'm over it. I'm over my god damn abusive relationship. I am over. it. I was fonw when the 7 year mark hit. I was fuckin odone. i just want to feel it. i don't care about the material bullshit. I just want to feel it. I yearn, crave, need it. i just want to feel like I am always wanted at all times. because i do the same for my partner

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