
i think everybody wants an identity dear, these are the words from the video i sent you. i know this might be weird, or a shock but i'm ok. i just found this video that represents my feelings. last year when i found this, i forgot about it...then i found it again... there is a reason i said i'd be happy alone it wasn't cuz i thought id be happy alone it was because i thought if i loved someone and then it fell a art, i might not make it its easier to be alone because what if you learn that you need love and then you don't have it what then you don't have and lean on it what if you shape your life around it and then... it falls apart can you even survive that kind of pain losing love is like organ damage..its like dying the only difference is, death ends this....it can go on forever when i saw this last year, i was so sad. arlene was not in the picturer...just me, and my boys but now, everything

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