

revival! - definition is exilihrating!

ok...i was almost going to talk about being in control but lets not talk about that.

let's talk about content, road to happiness, what is that...people don't really know what that is.

they say they know what they want as to happiness but they don't know

i don't even know if i know.

i love my life and also hate it. i want to live one day and die another

so lets go over what revival is. it is a new start. a new motivation. a new breather of fresh air. what does that mean to everyone is different.

it means forgiving, it means smiling, it means hope...not hope in situation, but hope in your life that you can live on....do people understand that?

shit they don't. you know why, because everyone is fuckin selfish!

i want to be free of clouds, muster, tornados

i have too much love to give.

mark today...march 25th....26th midnight.

i am still very much in love with tyler. meaning, i want to be with him. if i want to choose, it would be him still.....but not for long....that's all.

i can look back and he can be dust but right now, damn it, its him

ADELE - TAke It All fir tyler

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