
i read daul kim's blog

unhappy...why? fame? suffocation of life? everything

i started late. i have value, family values, not to be broken

i started when i was an adult////

i want to die

i would love to be non existent

not for love, acception, or importance

pain of emptiness. daul empty. everyone empty. more than others but loneliness.

i don't know where that spark is inside me....

i thought i did, thought i recovered...but no...

i am tired...my spark, my love, my care for human beings....i feel is dying

i wish my family the best..i love them more than anything. i would do anything for them

as well as my friends....because they protect me.

i ran...i raaan.....boy... thank god paul was there

he is no longer in my life....

depressed, no

i know i am passed that life

i am aware of the symptoms..i know the aftermath, i know the scars

facing it is another story

i'm sorry tyler

i can say i just want to be loved but i guess that is the symptoms talking

i want happinss but what is that

i love nothing

so love everything

i can't convey my message but

love, kindness, care


i will not do...

people know...

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