

what i need to accept:

when he is tired - stay away, steer clear, give him what he wants

when his days are off, do not sit in his 'seat'

when you are out with him, he can play with his phone for most of the time, it's like a child eating ice cream, once he has it, he won't share

sex? - that vocabulary, idea, thought, wish, does not exist in the relationship.

he does not want to be in a relationship. his capacity is 'roommate'

does he love me? - he doesn't know what that is. he only knows motherly, friendship love. intimate, passionate, commitment love is foreign and nonexistent at this time.

what to do?...nothing

you cannot change a person.
whether he is 20, 30, 40, he will always be the way he is

he doesn't ask questions. he doesn't want to be asked questions.

he doesn't want to talk because he does not want to face problems. He doesn't know how to handle the emotions.

being tired, being stressed is not an excuse. everyone is like that.

the life he wants is not the life you want.

everything you do is not bad. it is sweet. it is touching. you need to do it to someone who will appreciate it. Not to him. he does not appreciate it. he does not do things like you. he does not react like you.

everything you do is pointless. irrelevant.

find a peace of mind and accept. you cannot ask anymore questions.

no more questions. no more caring to grow in the relationship.

he is incapable of giving you what you need. he is not a bad person. not on the same level.

it hurts, it sucks, it is heart breaking but you have to come out of it and be selfish.

how do i not want to hope. how do i not wish for smiling. how do i stop?

it is so difficult for me.

feeling unappreciated. feeling unloved. feeling unworthy.

i know he is not right. but im a fighter. it is who i am. i cannot change.

please somebody give me power. give me the strength to be strong and see things clear.

白尾 - bai fei

please remember this everytime.

it is not a sad story, it is not an excuse, it just is. - bai fei.

you are so clear about the relationship but yet you hang on to every cent that's left.

fighter stace, fighter. but sometimes, you need to let go when there is nothing to fight for anymore.

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