

There’s a reason I said I would be happier alone
It wasn’t cuz I thought id be happy alone
It was because if I loved someone, and then it fell apart, I might not make it

Its easier to be alone
Because what if you learn that you need love…and then you don’t have it
What if you like it…and lean on it
What if you shape your life around it…
And then it falls apart…can you even survive that kind of pain
Loosing love is like organ damage… its like dying…
The only difference is death ends….this…it can go on forever

i love you, i
i cant see anything..going back to one.

moments..that is all you get

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.


guitar - the scientist....singing
looking at me...

driftwood - watching TV - coldplay was on...

always in my heart....love

watching TV in the TV room.....came in with his computer....working...wanted to be close..

watching TV....he looked at me....that look...never forget...it hurts, powerful, the love, i had no idea what that was...until then. i felt i could have nothing else in the world...that feeling was more than love, more than anything i felt

my first love, my first partner, my first want, my first breathe of fresh air.

first time i felt i can open and feel completely safe. 7 years of pain was washed away...

had our differences, but the love, the emotions, the emptiness, pain, disappeared.
